Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lighting the Fire Without the Spark

I was on my way to the gym this morning, and Bruce's "Dancing in the Dark," came through on my Ipod shuffle.  I thought for a moment about the words "You can't start a fire without a spark," and figured that I could connect these simple thoughts to our own ambitions in my blog today.  I shall concentrate on the spark that it takes to light up or start up one's own success story.

For those of you who are forever searching (as I once was) for a spark or a source of inspiration to land on your front door step, then you need to take an even further step back and reconsider your means of attaining complete and utter success.  Whether you want to achieve certain goals with a career path you have chosen or you are searching for your better half, you must get the spark going before a fire can take you on your way to fulfilling these dreams.

I've always connected music to my writing, relationships, the way I appreciate a lost moment or memory as well as the way I admire the world around me. Whether I'm strolling down the streets of Manhattan or the distant silent sands of some beautiful beach, or if I'm running eight miles and zoning out at the gym, allowing my music and my mind to take me away from the treadmill; I'm constantly connecting thoughts and music.  From Hans Zimmer to Florence and the Machine to David Darling to Helen Jane Long to my current inspiration; Bruce's "Dancing in the Dark," and who would have thought "Dancing in the Dark," could possess such a spark of passion?

If you listen to the lyrics, he says "I'm sick of sitting around here trying to write this book, and "You can't start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart," as well as, "You can't start a fire sitting around crying from a broken heart."  These three verses say it all when searching for a way to become something or someone better.

Bruce is right.  If you are sick of sitting around waiting for inspiration to come knocking down your door for you to write that book, then stop waiting!  AND TA DAAA!  Light your own spark that will give you the biggest fire that anyone has ever seen.  And that fire will come from all of the burning emotions that are being bottled up in the depths of your soul; feeding off of the experiences and memories, the wants and cravings for the better you!  The best you!  The greatest you!

If you are tired of sitting around crying from a broken heart, or just keep wondering why you simply can't seem to get anything right when it comes to your relationship, then RUN!  Run and TA DAAA!  Light your own spark that will give you the biggest fire that anyone has ever seen!  You can do this by doing what most people have forgotten to do because they get so caught up in this "idea" of love.  It's the craving of that "idea" that constantly gets in the way of a person's ambitions as they slowly forget about the most important thing they must do before they even thinks about searching for a counterpart.  This is to love they self!

And here is where we connect the spark with the fire and the path to success when it comes to your career and your relationships.  For so many years, I was doing everything backwards.  I was waiting for enlightenment to come gleaming through my window, as well as God to put the perfect man right in front of my crooked path.  That was my problem.  I was waiting, and waiting and waiting.  Then I had some awakenings, a couple of deaths, a few stumbles as well as some rises, but it was only until I started giving myself the love that I deserved that I started to see progress.

Once you focus on what you want as a person, and what you want to get out of this life, then you are better prepared for success and giving and receiving the type of admiration, adoration, respect, and love from someone else.  You can't just sit around and wait for things to happen.  If they aren't happening, and deep down inside, you know this, then you are one step ahead of the game already.  Recognize your mistakes, learn from your experiences, and light that spark that will lead you to that fire that rages in your heart, eventually bringing you complete happiness and success.

I've learned, through my own experiences and roads that I have taken, that no spark was ever going to come unless I loved myself first.  That was my spark.  After that, I lit other sparks.  I didn't wait any longer for God to deliver me the perfect idea for a story, or the perfect man to get married to.  I was tired of waiting.  I decided to get into the best shape of my life by going to the gym six times a week; lifting weights and doing an intense cardio workout.  I took my writing to a new level; a brighter level.  I began concentrating on my success which came from the affection and love that I have toward children.  Now I have my 1st children's book due to be released shortly, as well as some works that I am focusing on to help children through bullying.  I want to show them a better appreciation of the world around them, and this includes a love for themselves and a respect for all humanity.  I also want to use my writing to remind our youth that any dream is possible, and every child is unique.  And most importantly, no one's identity should ever be shaped by others.

I found my passion again and that was only through taking a look inward and learning to love and respect myself.  In doing so, I found my place in this world, and this is only the beginning.  My fire will forever grow with the landmark I have made as a mentor, author, and guide for those who need it.

When you love and respect yourself, nothing else matters other than achieving your goals and showering loved ones with your own personal reflections, wisdom, and ultimately, your gifts.  These gifts are so sacred and special, because they make up who you are as a person.  You should bestow them upon the people who you are trying to become a leader or mentor for.  Don't give your gifts away to just anybody.  That is something that I learned the hard way.  When you do this, you get taken advantage of, and just gravitate further away from loving who you are and what you are capable of conquering in this lifetime.  So many people just give their affections and their time away to those who don't deserve it.  Once you begin to look at yourself in the mirror and love and admire what you are reflecting at, then you are ready to start lighting sparks for the whole world to see.  As your fire grows, more people will be attracted and inclined to sit closer to you.  This is my wisdom for today.


  1. Very true, believing in our selves first is the first step towards believing in our cause. The spark that you mentioned is enough to ignite a massive fire in our minds and trust me, this fire provides us the warmth we deserve.

    Good writing Geena, will follow this more often.
    Good wishes.

  2. Thank you, Suraj. I wish more people would concentrate on igniting sparks within themselves to gravitate toward more positive possibilities. I look forward to sharing more thoughts and hopefully, this blog will inspire people to want to achieve a more happy, healthy, and successful lifestyle.

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